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The fourth edition of LaingBuisson’s Homecare and Supported Living UK Market Report is indispensable reading for anyone involved in this fragmented and complex market. This includes advisors, investors, commissioners and policymakers as well as service providers. Read together with Adult Specialist Care and Care Homes for Older People UK Market Reports, Homecare and Supported Living completes a series which illustrates the state of non-residential and residential care for adults over the age of 18 and gives a comprehensive market picture not found anywhere else.
Written by leading market commentator, William Laing, during the summer of 2021, the report includes fully updated data and market insights regarding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector. It also provides an initial analysis of the likely impact on the homecare and supported living sector of the government’s announcement on 7 September 2021 about new funding for the NHS and social care.
The new report shows the value of the UK market for homecare and supported living to be £10.3 billion (2019/20) and estimates that round 1 million people are in receipt of care. Through the Covid-19 pandemic, the sector showed itself to be resilient in the face of the challenges its faced and the financial impact on most homecare providers was limited. This was down to the remarkable efforts of the people working in the sector, as much as the support of government grants.
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