Steve Scown

As Chief Executive of Dimensions and ex-chair of the Voluntary Organisations for the Disabled Group (VODG), Steve is a leading advocate for the rights of people with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs.

Trained as a learning disability nurse at the high security Rampton Hospital, Steve took on increasingly senior roles in a number of NHS management positions before joining the voluntary sector in 1993. With an MSc in Public Service Administration and a keen interest in understanding how organisations undertake change and contribute beyond their organisational boundaries Steve was appointed CEO of Dimensions in 2011. Since then, Dimensions has doubled in size whilst leading the way in championing the personalisation agenda, adopting research-based models of support and enhancing workforce engagement (evidenced through repeat accreditation by the Great Places to Work Institute).

Steve has given evidence to the Parliamentary Select Committee, is a conference speaker and co-authored the award-winning books, ‘Making it Personal’ and ‘Making it Personal for Everyone’.

In 2022, after eleven years as CEO, Steve is stepping down from his role at Dimensions but intends to apply his extensive experience to continue his positive contribution amidst the challenges the sector is facing in making better lives for more people.

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  • CEO, Dimensions