Dr Nigel Acheson

Nigel Acheson commenced his current role as deputy chief inspector of hospitals at the Care Quality Commission in October 2018 having spent 5 years as a regional medical director and higher level responsible officer in NHS England.  Throughout his career Nigel has worked to improve patient safety and patient and public involvement in health care. As an NHS England responsible officer he promoted the review of performance, evidence of quality improvement activity and lay involvement as key to developing the value of annual appraisal of doctors to their organisations and the public.

Nigel was previously national gynaecology lead for the enhanced recovery programme which led to improvements in the care of women undergoing surgery, medical director of a cancer network and held leadership roles in national societies for gynaecological cancer. He trained in Birmingham and worked as a consultant gynaecological oncologist for more than a decade.

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  • Deputy Chief Inspector, CQC