Camilla Cavendish award-winning journalist and broadcaster author of “Extra Time: Ten Lessons for an Ageing World”. Senior Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School and a Contributing Editor at the Financial Times where she writes a Saturday weekly OpEd column.
Previously Head of the Prime Minister’s UK Policy Unit under David Cameron. One of the policies associated with her is the 2016 “sugar tax” on fizzy drinks. She was a Non-Executive Director of the Care Quality Commission and was the author of the 2013 Cavendish Review, an independent review for the Department of Health into junior nursing staff and care workers. In 2020, Camilla became a temporary adviser to the Secretary of State for Health during the Covid-19 pandemic and delivered an internal review on social care reform in October 2020
She sits in the House of Lords as a non-aligned peer: Baroness Cavendish of Little Venice. Camilla’s work has changed the law: her exposure of miscarriages of justice in family courts led the Brown government to open those courts to the media in 2009. Her awards include Wincott Senior Financial Journalist of the year and the Paul Foot award for investigative journalism. Camilla began her career at McKinsey & Co.